First of all, I would like to thank all for your love, care, support and prayer ever since we left Malaysia. I belief, many of you are still praying alongside with us. Both Debbie and myself, we really appreciate these efforts and attitude shown. Thanks...

Pic: Mum Debbie teaching Dayson geographic, world map.
*WoW* I didn't learn about world map until I was much older in primary school. But this boy, he is only 3+, learning it now. Praise God for Sunlight curriculum.

Pic: These 3 want to be like the daddy, a little muscle...
This is the children's room. They enjoy playing in the room. It's part of their favorite hang-out corner.
More to share on next post...
I want muscles too.
Technology now brings us closer, via blogs to keep each other updates.
hi caleb, debbie
been keeping in mind and prayers. glad to hear that all went well for all of you. send my love to mum and dad.
oh can you pls give me debbie's blog again, had to change computer.
just return from a 3 weeks vacation and will start work on monday, missing all of you
love and regards
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