Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another significant day in my life

I was so excited in my heart after finding out that Pastor Bong and Anne with their three will be joining us for dinner in Coburg. Therefore, Debbie and myself were busy preparing dinner. Debbie cooked Roast Chicken and 'Satay-Egg'. While I was cooking Egg-Noodle and Oyster Source Steam Vegetable. Anna-Grace prepared a wonderful desert.

All of us had a great time during the dinner. We fellowshipped and we touched on various topics in that one seating. I was surprised to know that Pastor Bong is also another movie fan! Well, of course, he is more towards real life documented film while I am an actions and thriller fan.

The fellowship went on and on and on and on. We had so much common ground. We loved arts and had deep passion to move into performing arts. We shared the same joy in reaching the youth and seeing church growth and mentoring and raising the church in God's way. It was a *WOW* moment with him and Anne.

We so enjoyed ourselves and we didn't end until 12:50am. I am happy to know that their three daughters had enjoyed themselves with my three. They were at home with us and this is important to me. At least I know the Lord had knitted our hearts and spirits in just one evening. I am even happier to know that Victoria - their youngest actually felt asleep on our sofa *Smile* and Caylie refused to sleep not until she says "Goodbye" to her friends.

I thank the Lord for a wonderful couple and family like them. They had such fine values as a family and as a minister of God.

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